Llanos, Thana Alliah Mae R.               BAJ 2B                                                                                     


1.Using your own words, compare Citizen Journalism to Community journalism.

Both Citizen journalism and community journalism can be described as journalistic practices as these two have the same process which is to gather and report information to address certain issues but these can differ also to each other. Citizen journalism refers to the active engagement of the citizens called “citizen journalists” in the process of making news shared in different media platforms. This is the participation of the public that helps professional journalists to reach issues quickly for their concerns to be addressed immediately. Also, citizen journalism is the voluntary act of the citizens to help journalists to spread the information by sending or giving the materials or simply posting it to media platforms mainly Facebook. On the other hand, community journalism is journalism that focuses on the engagement of the citizen to their community issues and has the goal to make the citizens of the community to be aware so that they will take full responsibility and active participation for social change. Community journalism provides a platform to the citizens to speak up their concerns, voice out their opinion to their community . This type of journalism aims to address specific issues in a specific community that are always being neglected by professional journalists because it is not that “big”  issue unlike government problems etc. This is the kind of journalism that sought news in a community that is not “big” yet concerning that needs to be addressed. 

2. Which social issues in the Philippines can be addressed by Community Journalism. Explain by how and why.

Animal cruelty is very rampant today in our country. I am often hearing news now about animals, particularly dogs and cats being abused and the worst being killed. I think this can be considered as a social issue that can be addressed by community journalism in a way that it can be the platform that provides information giving citizens awareness about the consequences of this animal cruelty including the laws, penalties and punishments. Also, community journalism as a platform that will empower citizens to speak up , raise their concerns and opinions about this social issue. Citizens can also demand social change or actions to the local government through actively participating in community journalism, in that way, animals present in their community will be taken care of responsibly plus it will promote more protections to the animals. 


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