Santos - Midterm Exam

 Santos, Jon Kairo


Answer the following using 5-10 sentences

1.Using your own words, compare Citizen Journalism to Community journalism.

-First things first, the main difference between Citizen Journalism and Community Journalism is professionalism. In Citizen Journalism, anyone can write or compose a story regardless of what background they have, so long as they are not trained professionally as journalists since their stories will be checked and edited by a professional. This form of journalism doesn't particularly follow any guidelines or ethical standards due to the lack of professional ethics as the practitioners of said form are not professionally trained journalists or people who don't have any kind of background in writing news. As for Community Journalism, this is a form of journalism that, just like what our professor said, is a way of immersing yourself in a particular community, to see and feel their experiences. This form of journalism is much more advisable to immerse oneself into, especially a professional or trained journalist for you to truly see what social issues or problems a particular community is going through. That way, you can truly show on your article or work that "This is what they go through their lives" or "This is how they live their lives" this way or form of journalism, brings the reality of one's experience closer to the viewer or reader's heart, if done right. 

2. Which social issues in the Philippines can be addressed by Community journalism. Explain by how and why.

-One thing that can possibly be resolved by community journalism in our country is vices. Filipinos are empathetic, perhaps if they'll witness how people deal with various bad occurrences in their lives via vices, then maybe they'll understand more why they do such things. Same thing on drug use and addiction, as one song says, we can't really understand a user's mind with whatever education we have. We can only understand one's experience fully, if we've been through the same thing. I'm not saying that we need to do drugs, what I want to say is we need a deeper scope on how these people think or feel under the substance. This, then gives the people a better understanding of why they do such things. However, this is a  double edged sword, people may try drugs if they find out the effects of it. On the other hand, they might try their best to avoid it if the story's done right. Still, all these measures won't be enough to completely resolve vices and drug addiction in our country, people will still be doing drugs because of a variety of reasons we're unaware of.


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